Saturday, May 23, 2009


The move is over....kind of. We are unpacked and living in the new place. We have a few small details left, hanging up pictures, curtains, pillows, and overall organization of cabinets and closets. This weekend I am going to go and clean the old apartment. We hope to turn in the keys next Wednesday which will make the move officially over.

Last Saturday was the big move day. Everything went fantastically. We had tons of help and it was amazing how fast we got everything done. By Saturday night we were about 95% unpacked. I finished on Monday. I am loving the new apartment and all the new neighbors. I also love Sara! It has been an easy change. I even had friends over for dinner on Thursday and we are planning on having a BBQ on Monday.

Thanks everyone for your help! I could not have moved without all of you. You are the greatest friends every. I will post pictures of the new place in a few days. That is it for now, I have to go start cleaning the old place now :)

Gym Update

It has been a few weeks since I updated you guys on the gym. I just finished my tenth week of Dimensions. The time has gone by so fast. I feel like I just started but I only have two more weeks left. Crazy! I am still learning tons and I am losing weight. I now weigh, as of yesterday, 223lbs. That makes a grand total of 41lbs lost since January. AWESOME! I am feeling good and my clothes just seem to be getting bigger and bigger. I still have at least 73lbs more to lose to meet my goal. So, I still have a long way to go but I am getting a good start. I am so thankful for all of your guys support. Thanks :) Of course I can't do it without my great trainer. He is a big pain but I love him and I am so thankful for his pushing, harassing, and encouragement. He is worth every penny :)

With all of that said I have decided to keep up the training. I am going to be committing to another three months and evaluate after and see. My goal is to keep the "three days a week training" for a year then go down to either two or one day a week for a few months and evaluate after I have hit my goal weight. To start with I will commit to at least three more months. Truly exciting. I will keep you guys posted as I move along. Love you and thanks again for the encouragement and support. You guys rock!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Big News

Today I weighed in and I lost three ponds this week. That makes a grand total of thirty eight pounds lost. SWEET!!!!!!!!!

I also bought my first new pair of pants the other day, all of my pants are too big for me. Anyways, the new pants are four sizes smaller then my old ones. I am so excited. I am now wearing a size eighteen. I can't believe it! People say that they can see that I am losing weight but I can't see it myself. The only thing I am noticing is that my clothes are getting bigger. I had no clue that my clothes were now four sizes to big, and this is my proof that the weight is coming off. The time has come for me to go shopping. I am so blown away and happy about my progress. I have a lot more weight to lose but this new development is the motivation I need to keep working hard. This is definitely the best birthday gift :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Holdridge Girls Art

On Tuesday the Holdridge girls came over to my house for date night. Violet started drawing and before you knew it all all of the girls joined in the fun. Here are there awesome pictures :)

From Holdridge Art Work

Lauren's picture of me

From Holdridge Art Work

Violet's picture of me

From Holdridge Art Work

Violet's heart...awesome!

From Holdridge Art Work

June picture

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gym Recap

Mike has been keeping me busy at the gym the last few weeks. I am slowly progressing and have been able to lift heavier weights and do more reps of my exercises. I am even getting the techniques down so Mike doesn't have to repeat himself as much. He only has to correct my posture a few times each workout. That is a huge improvement. The best news is that all the hard work is still paying off. My last weigh in, Friday, I had lost a total of 35lbs since January. Let's see how I do tomorrow. This weekend is going to be a hard one due to the fact that I plan on blowing my diet for my birthday. All that means is Monday's weigh in will suck and I am going to have to work extra hard next week.

I am so surprised that I have actually stuck it out this long. This is the first time I have ever committed to a "diet" and have stuck with it longer then two weeks. Now that I have been working out and doing the trainer thing for a little over 3 months I can't imagine not doing it. It has become a major put of my everyday life. I get up work out and watch what I eat. I never really have to think hard about it. It is just what I do. I am not saying I don't have my days of hating the gym and struggling to get out of bed. There is just not as many of those days. This is my new life style and I am happy. I love having Mike, who is faithfully kicking my butt at lest three days a week, and all my awesome friends who have been so encouraging and motivating. Thanks you guys!