Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Exercises

As I mentioned in my last post things at the gym are going good. Mike the trainer has been switching things up a little. I have taken a short break from leg curls and leg lifts for a week or so. In there replacements I have done two new exercises. One of them is the “One Legged Leg Press.” It is a lot harder then it sounds, especially with my left leg, also know as the non-dominant leg. After my third rep I am usually sore and have jello legs. The second new exercise is called the “Skydiver.” This one took me a little to get down. It was so frustrated at myself at first. My body just would cooperate with me. For the “Skydiver” I get on my knees, plant my feet firmly on the wall, and then lay down on a ball. Once I am stable I walk my fee up the wall and stand on my tippy toes, lock my knees so that my legs are completely straight. I then arch my back and with my palms down and arms at my side I squeeze my shoulder blades together. I hold this position for a minute and then rest for a little and then do it again. The more I do it and the better I get at it the longer I will need to hold the position. The toughest part of this exercise is having to balance myself on the ball not using my hands or feet. It is a difficult task but it is worth it.

Half Way Mark

Yesterday I completed my sixth week of Dimensions training. The program is twelve weeks long so this is the half way mark. The time is flying. I can’t believe it has been six weeks. I am enjoying it for the most part. There are those days that I am lazy and fight going to the gym, but I have not missed a day yet. There have been a few days, especially this week that I have picked up my phone to call my trainer and make up some excuse of why I did not want to come in. Each time I chickened out. The power of guilt!

I weigh in every Monday and Friday. This past Monday I gained a pound, I blame it on Easter. I seem to be losing about two to three pounds a week. Yesterday, the finale day of my sixth week, I weighed in and I lost three pounds last week. Here is the big new, my grand total of weight lost since January 12th, 2009 is THIRTY POUNDS!!!!! I am can’t believe that I have lost thirty pounds in three months. Absolutely crazy! I am so excited and am now extremely motivated to keep getting up, pushing myself, and sticking with my diet an and workouts. I have lots more weight to lose but this is not bad start.

With all of this said it is now time for me to get up and go to the gym. Have a great day everyone and I will post again soon :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Date Night with the Girls

This week we went to Starbucks.

The Hamster Wheel

I think I’ve mentioned this machine before, but it deserves a little more blog time. First of all I have to admit I can’t stand this machine. A fifteen minute workout on this contraption produces a ridicules amount of sweat, tears and pain. One of the reasons why I hate this machine is because it is very similar to “The Sled”, which is another crazy exercise I am forced to do. Both of these excises are supposed to build leg strength and burn calories. I believe it is all a lie and just a way to amuse my trainer. There is no power to “The Hamster Wheel”; you make the belt move by grabbing hold of the metal bar and pushing for dear life. It is extremely difficult and absolutely tiring. I can go about six minutes before I need to stop to breathe and wipe myself off. I sweat so much that by the end of my workout I have sweat dripping off every part of my body. Absolutely nasty!

Last week Mike, my trainer, told me he wanted me to start doing “The Hamster Wheel” twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Reluctantly I said yes, not that I had a choice. Here are a few pictures for you. I have to remember the final result is worth all of the hard work.